

Subtle movements of distant planets revolving around a Sun

with yellow hues and nighttime smiles, a foreground to the

fullest darkness a young child has ever laid her eyes on what’s beyond

her eyes are a mirror - reverse: a swirling waltz of scaled sensations,

oscillations, electricity branching in the fullest pinkness a young universe

has ever brushed its infinite space over…

Did you, the “Oneness,” ever figure out that to breathe into the sight,

into the feeling of the planets, plants, thoughts,

meant to become It?

Did you, Eternity, ever breathe into your strange loops and set awareness

against awareness in a mirror that, it itself and nothing more, unwinds the shapes

of experience into Love, pure Love?

And did you, every One and every Thing, ever radiate that Love, pure Love,

like the stars release their heat and the flowers share their scent,

outwards toward the distant planets and the complex sensations and the shapes

We see around us called “beings”?

What I ask here is nothing short of the survival of all from which a honey bee drinks

and of a smile on the fullest fullness you have ever laid your eyes on.

Boundless, a droplet of water lies down to rest in the ocean of experience…

… just a touch and you will see, the world wasn’t meant for “you” and “me”.